Personal Information First Name*: Middle Name: Last Name*: SSN*: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Wilcox County Physical Address: Street Address*: City*: State*: Zip Code*: Wilcox County Mailing Address: Street Address / PO Box*: City*: State*: Zip Code*: Email*: Gender: —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleOther Place of Birth: Date of Birth*: Years Lived in Wilcox County*: Parent / Legal Guardian Information Father's Information Name: Address: Telephone: Occupation: Mother's Information Name: Address: Telephone: Occupation: Education Information Present Status*: —Please choose an option—High School SeniorGEDUndergrad (Current / Renewal)Undergrad (Former Recipient)Undergrad (New Applicant)Advanced Study Graduation Date: GPA*: ACT Score: Date Taken: High School Attended or Currently Attending*: —Please choose an option—Wilcox Central High SchoolWilcox AcademyOther If Other, please list: College / University Currently Attending: Proposed Major / Field of Study*: Has Your Major Changed*? —Please choose an option—YesNo Has there been a change in your goals in the past 12 months? Current or Past Simpson Foundation Support*: —Please choose an option—YesNo Plans for Continuing Education School Type*: —Please choose an option—TechincalJunior CollegeCollege / University Applying For: —Please choose an option—High School SeniorGEDUndergrad (Current / Renewal)Undergrad (Former Recipient)Undergrad (New Applicant)Advanced Study Proposed Major / Field of Study*: Anticipated Graduation Date*: First Choice School*: First Choice School Status*: —Please choose an option—AppliedAccepted Second Choice School: Second Choice School Status: —Please choose an option—AppliedAccepted Scholarships, Government Grants (FAFSA), Loans Applied For*: Scholarships, Government Grants (FAFSA), Loans Awarded Other than Simpson*: Work Record for Past 3 Years: Activities for Past 3 Years: Honors / Awards for Past 3 Years: In a brief statement, please explain what interests you about your proposed or current course of study*? Are you satisfied with your academic performance in the past year*? —Please choose an option—YesNo Please explain any poor grades received. Any additional information that would be of interest to the Trustees in evaluating this application? I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge*: Yes Please check that you've filled in all the required fields. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact the Foundation to verify receipt. THESE ITEMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE FOUNDATION BEFORE SCHOLARSHIPS WILL BE PAID. Official transcript mailed to the Foundation by June 30th Student information forms Proof of Enrollment due by September 15